Posted 28 September 2015, 4:00 pm NDT

September 28, 2015.
(larger version)
The Point Amour Lighthouse Provincial Historic Site is open daily from 9:30am - 5:00pm daily until October 9, 2015.
Posted 11 September 2015, 4:45 pm NDT
The Mealy Mountains National Park Reserve, a 10,700 square kilometer wilderness area on in southeastern Labrador, was announced on July 31st, 2015. The Reserve protects pristine Canadian Shield landscapes, rivers, tundra and boreal forest habitats of caribou, wolves, foxes, black bear, marten, osprey, bald eagles, an endangered eastern population of harlequin duck and a 50-kilometre stretch of sandy beaches near Cartwright, described in Viking sagas as the Wunderstrand.
Posted 01 May 2014, 9:39 am NDT
The Strait of Belle Isle is opening up to blue water, finally. The ferry that operates in the Straits, the MV Apollo, has resumed service with her departure today from Corner Brook, NL to Blanc Sablon, PQ.
We are looking forward to having the regular ferry runs from Blanc Sablon, PQ to St. Barbe, NL reinstated.
For information and schedules, visit Labrador Marine Inc.
The MV Apollo will be a great place to view the reported "bumper crop" of icebergs on our way. The icebergs may be around well into the summer and then there will also be the seabirds and whales to entertain you.
We are looking forward to having the regular ferry runs from Blanc Sablon, PQ to St. Barbe, NL reinstated.
For information and schedules, visit Labrador Marine Inc.
The MV Apollo will be a great place to view the reported "bumper crop" of icebergs on our way. The icebergs may be around well into the summer and then there will also be the seabirds and whales to entertain you.
Posted 15 April 2013, 4:46 pm NDT
You can soon visit the Point Amour Lighthouse. We will open for the 2013 season on May 18 and close on October 11. Our new hours of operation are 9:30 - 5:00pm daily, weekends and holidays!
We have a great summer planned for our visitors. In addition, to great exhibits and spectacular views, there are weekly demonstrations and special events to entertain.
Lighthouse Life June 30 - July 6, July 8 - August 3
Keeping Watch July 7 - 13, August 4 - 10
Point Amour Rocks July 21 - 27, August 18 - 24
Ship to Shore July 14 - 20, August 11 - 17
Remembering HMS Raleigh August 8
Jam & Jammin', September 27, 28 and 29
For Rates and information on other Provincial Historic Sites, visit
Provincial Historic Sites.
We have a great summer planned for our visitors. In addition, to great exhibits and spectacular views, there are weekly demonstrations and special events to entertain.
Lighthouse Life June 30 - July 6, July 8 - August 3
Keeping Watch July 7 - 13, August 4 - 10
Point Amour Rocks July 21 - 27, August 18 - 24
Ship to Shore July 14 - 20, August 11 - 17
Remembering HMS Raleigh August 8
Jam & Jammin', September 27, 28 and 29
For Rates and information on other Provincial Historic Sites, visit
Provincial Historic Sites.
Posted 15 April 2013, 4:39 pm NDT
The Apollo has resumed service for 2013 between St. Barbe, NL and Blanc Sablon, PQ.
Passengers have opportunity to see seals on the ice these April days. During the summer months passengers often see icebergs, seabirds, whales, whales and whales.
For information and schedules, visit Labrador Marine Inc.
Passengers have opportunity to see seals on the ice these April days. During the summer months passengers often see icebergs, seabirds, whales, whales and whales.
For information and schedules, visit Labrador Marine Inc.