Holidays Ideas
Labrador Coastal Drive is included on the itineraries on some wonderful touring companies. From watching for orcas at Battle Harbour, kayaking on the Wonderstrands, hiking the coastline, diving in Henley Harbour, the folks listed below have the adventures already planned, waiting for you.

Wildland Tours
Join a Wildland Tours naturalist on our quest to study and catalogue the humpbacks and orcas of northern Newfoundland and southern Labrador.

Adventures by Sea and Land
Newfoundland Circumnavigation aboard the Ocean Nova
Rich with history. Rife with culture. Join Adventure Canada as we explore Canada's most colourful and animated province.Beginning in St. John's we venture into the colourful streets taking in the art, culture and historic landmarks that dot North America's oldest city. Outside the bustling capital we enter another world, one of friendly communities and remote outports. These tight knit settlements are custodians of Newfoundland and Labrador tradition.
Viking Trail Experience
Journey through time with us to learn about the birth of a continent and the death of an ocean. Walk in the footsteps of the New World's first peoples and explore the home of the first Viking explorers.
Greenland and Wild Labrador aboard the Clipper Adventureer
Fourteen days of a discovery of divine landscape and sublime natural wonders. Visits include Illulissat, Greenland, George River, Nunavik, Torngat Mountains National Park, Okak, Hopedale, Mealy Mountains, Battle Harbour, and Gros Morne National Park
For more information visit: Adventure Canada.
Rich with history. Rife with culture. Join Adventure Canada as we explore Canada's most colourful and animated province.Beginning in St. John's we venture into the colourful streets taking in the art, culture and historic landmarks that dot North America's oldest city. Outside the bustling capital we enter another world, one of friendly communities and remote outports. These tight knit settlements are custodians of Newfoundland and Labrador tradition.
Viking Trail Experience
Journey through time with us to learn about the birth of a continent and the death of an ocean. Walk in the footsteps of the New World's first peoples and explore the home of the first Viking explorers.
Greenland and Wild Labrador aboard the Clipper Adventureer
Fourteen days of a discovery of divine landscape and sublime natural wonders. Visits include Illulissat, Greenland, George River, Nunavik, Torngat Mountains National Park, Okak, Hopedale, Mealy Mountains, Battle Harbour, and Gros Morne National Park
For more information visit: Adventure Canada.

Fragments of 16th century Basque roofing tiles at Saddle Island, Red Bay
(larger version)
Explore Europe, Australia, and more on our escorted vacations. From independent travel packages to escorted tours, Globus is the leader in touring travel and vacation packages. For information on Globus's tour to Labrador, visit their website at, Eastern Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador & Cabot Trail Tour.
Plan Your Own Adventure
Or if you would rather build your own Labrador adventure, we have some suggestions for you at the following link Labrador Coastal Drive Tour.