Wildland Tours

Travel with Wildland Tours and let us introduce you to England's oldest colony and Canada's youngest province....
Share the History, Open Spaces, Warmth of Our People, and Special Spirituality of Our Landscapes
Here we still have eagles and osprey soaring in a clear sky. We have places where the land appears to move, but it's really the backs of the world's largest caribou herd. Along the coast we have places where whirling seabirds are so plentiful they obscure the sun. We take you to where wild salmon leap in crystal clear rivers. Our ocean adventures feature the world's largest gathering of humpbacks sharing the waters with the second largest animals to ever live - the fin whales. Minke whales are so common we call part of our summer travelling route the "Minke Way." We make sure you travel with local folk who can show you what it is like to experience these places and sights. Along the way you sample our unique foods - partridgeberries and bakeapples - and you drink in the freshest air. Travel with Wildland Tours. Share our adventures. We provide holidays you'll always remember.
Share the History, Open Spaces, Warmth of Our People, and Special Spirituality of Our Landscapes
Here we still have eagles and osprey soaring in a clear sky. We have places where the land appears to move, but it's really the backs of the world's largest caribou herd. Along the coast we have places where whirling seabirds are so plentiful they obscure the sun. We take you to where wild salmon leap in crystal clear rivers. Our ocean adventures feature the world's largest gathering of humpbacks sharing the waters with the second largest animals to ever live - the fin whales. Minke whales are so common we call part of our summer travelling route the "Minke Way." We make sure you travel with local folk who can show you what it is like to experience these places and sights. Along the way you sample our unique foods - partridgeberries and bakeapples - and you drink in the freshest air. Travel with Wildland Tours. Share our adventures. We provide holidays you'll always remember.
Northern Whale Study
First Whale Census Vacation in Northern Newfoundland and Southern Labrador
Join a Wildland Tours naturalist on our quest to study and catalogue the humpbacks and orcas of northern Newfoundland and southern Labrador. The area is incredibly rich with wildlife but is one of North America's least studied marine areas. Enjoy comfortable nights, wild days, and some of our planet's most dramatic landscapes as we count humpbacks and pioneer the study of eastern North America's orcas.
Additional info: https://www.wildlands.com/
Join a Wildland Tours naturalist on our quest to study and catalogue the humpbacks and orcas of northern Newfoundland and southern Labrador. The area is incredibly rich with wildlife but is one of North America's least studied marine areas. Enjoy comfortable nights, wild days, and some of our planet's most dramatic landscapes as we count humpbacks and pioneer the study of eastern North America's orcas.
Additional info: https://www.wildlands.com/
Viking Trail Experience
Journey Through Time!
Journey through time with us to learn about the birth of a continent and the death of an ocean. Walk in the footsteps of the New World's first peoples and explore the home of the first Viking explorers. This exciting holiday starts and ends in Deer Lake, Newfoundland and explores the nature and geology of Gros Morne National Park -- a United Nations World Heritage Site. L'Anse aux Meadows, North America's only known Viking settlement and Red Bay, the Labrador home of over 1,000 Basque whalers during the 1540s, are also highlights of this unique vacation. The holiday also features the northern terminus of the Appalachian Mountains, lots of birds and wildlife, plus a short journey to the "centre of the earth." Enjoy Newfoundlanders, our culture, and our landscape on this unforgettable holiday. And help us celebrate the 1004th anniversary of the Vikings walking our shores
Journey through time with us to learn about the birth of a continent and the death of an ocean. Walk in the footsteps of the New World's first peoples and explore the home of the first Viking explorers. This exciting holiday starts and ends in Deer Lake, Newfoundland and explores the nature and geology of Gros Morne National Park -- a United Nations World Heritage Site. L'Anse aux Meadows, North America's only known Viking settlement and Red Bay, the Labrador home of over 1,000 Basque whalers during the 1540s, are also highlights of this unique vacation. The holiday also features the northern terminus of the Appalachian Mountains, lots of birds and wildlife, plus a short journey to the "centre of the earth." Enjoy Newfoundlanders, our culture, and our landscape on this unforgettable holiday. And help us celebrate the 1004th anniversary of the Vikings walking our shores