Great Caribou Studio
This is quaint,interactive studio where Inuit artist, Charlene creates and exhibits original paintings, prints, and silks inspired by the flora, fauna, and the culture of Labrador. The studio also features Labrador inspired art and craft from other artisans.
Charlene Rumbolt -Piercey
Arts & Letters NL 2019 Winner
Senior Visual Arts Division

"Teachings of my Grandmothers" is a fibre arts wall hanging inspired by traditional stories. It is created from traditional materials and is created in the shape of a traditional Inuit woman's coat.
Location and Contact
Location: Mary's Harbour
Route: 510
Address: 140 Main Street
Owner: Charlene Rumbolt-Peircey
Telephone: 709-979-1146
Website: GreatCaribouStudio

This page: 336 visits since February 18, 2020

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