Port Hope Simpson
Community Profile
Port Hope Simpson is located on the south side of the Alexis River. It was founded in 1934 as a logging camp and was named after the Commissioner of Natural Resources, Sir John Hope Simpson. This community has great natural assets nearby. Shinneys Water Complex makes up 2,500 square kilometers of over 1000 islands rising dramatically above sea level. These protected waters are ideal for all types of boating.
The Alexis River, an excellent salmon river has hosted George W. Bush.
Sunset over Alexis Bay (wmaclean) (larger version)
  • Population: 575
  • Postal Code: A0K 4E0
  • Location: On Route 510, 215km from the Quebec/Labrador border
Services & Facilities
Post office, community center with gymnasium, ski trails, youth centre, hotel, bed & breakfast, gas stations, diesel, restaurants, grocery stores, craft store, hardware store, saw mill, apartments, airstrip, helicopter landing pad

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