Highway Routes
Route 510
L'Anse Au Clair to Red Bay
Distance: 79 km
Surface: Paved
Travel Time:1h 30m
Services: Gas, food, medical, accommodations, repair, shopping, crafts

Red Bay to Lodge Bay
Distance: 74 km
Surface: Paved
Services: None
Lodge Bay to Port Hope Simpson
Distance; 62 km
Surface: Paved
Services: Gas, food, medical, accommodations, shopping, crafts

Port Hope Simpson to Happy Valley-Goose Bay
Distance: 405 km
Surface: 279 paved, 126 gravel (class A gravel)
Services: None en route
Remaining 126 kms to be paved in 2021
Route 500
Happy Valley-Goose Bay to Churchill Falls
Distance: 288 kilometres (180 miles)
Surface: Paved
Travel Time: 6-8 hours
Services: None en route

Churchill Falls to Labrador City
Distance: 238 kilometre(149 miles)
Surface: Paved
Travel Time: 3 hours
Services: None en route

At Churchill Falls
Services: Food, gas, repair, accommodations, laundry, banking, shopping, post office, medical

For updated information on road conditions and services, contact:

Department of Works, Services and Transportation
Happy-Valley-Goose Bay
Tel: 709 896 7840 or 709 896 7841
Fax: 709 896 5513
Route 389: Baie Comeau to Labrador City
Section 1: Baie Comeau to Manic Five
Distance: 214 kilometres (125 miles)
Surface: Paved, winding and narrow
Travel Time: 3 hours: Average speed 70-90 kmh (45mph)
Services: Gas(diesel is available), telephone, restaurant, camping, accommodations at Energy Motel, Route 389, Manic 5, Quebec G0G 1M0 Tel (418) 584-2301, Fax (418) 584-2302

Section 2: Manic 5 to Gagnon*
Distance: 175 kilometres (105 miles)
Surface: Gravel, good condition, straight
Travel Time: 2 hours, 30 minutes: Average speed 70 kmh (45mph)
Services: Gas, restaurant, accommodations at Motel Relais Gabriel, 100 km from Manic 5, Bassin Manic 4, Quebec G0G 1K0

NOTE: Between Relais Gabriel and Gagnon, there are three bridges, two of which handle only one-way traffic. Also please note that Gagnon is a landmark only. The community which existed on this spot was dismantled in 1985

Section 3: Gagnon to Fire Lake
Distance: 89 kilometre (55 miles)
Surface: Paved, some potholes
Travel Time: 1 hour, average speed 90 kmh (55mph)
Services: None

Section 4: Fire Lake to Mount Wright
Distance: 63 kilometre( 40 miles)
Surface: Gravel, narrow and winding
Travel Time: 1 hour, 30 minutes: Average speed 50 kmh (30mph); Caution is advised at railway crossings
Services: None

Section 5: Mount Wright to Labrador City/Wabush
Distance: 40 kilometres (25 miles)
Surface: Paved, good
Travel Time: 30 minutes: Average speed: 80 kmh (50 mph)

In Labrador City/Wabush
Services: All major services
For updated information on road conditions, contact:
Quebec Ministry of Transport Quebec Provincial Police
Baie Comeau, Quebec Baie Comeau Detachment
Tel: (418) 589 2065 or Tel: (418) 296 2324
(418) 5895610 Fax: (418) 296 1611
Fax: (418) 589 6377

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